Friday, September 25, 2009

lOok what i am withOut u..!!

You left me with nothing but tears,
I cried, begged, hurted but you gave me deaf ears,
I can remember the past sweet mOnths,
In which you protected me from my fears,

You Once said you loved me alot,
And I fell the same..
But now I can't believe that you r nt d One i ws with..!
The trust in which I found great dote,

Do you think love is a game tO play..?
In which you try not to spoil your name..?
Can anything be the same?
When you don’t but I feel shame,

I am so for lorn,
Because my heart has been torn,
By a betrayer who has gone,
Who is refusing to hear my miserable tone,

Don't think love isn't true,
It is not just something we do,
It may not mean much to you,
But because of you today I am feeling blue...!!
and shattered too..!!

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