Sunday, November 8, 2009

It is a story of a frog which says never say die!

A group of frog was traveling through forest.on the way two frogs out of group fall into a pit. soon all other frogs gathered around the pit. looking at desperate attempts made by both the frogs to jump out of pit, the group above started shouting at them saying it is worthless to try to jump out of pit as it is too deep. the group suggested against it, as any way they are going to die.

listening to others one of two frogs stopped attempting and eventually died.

while the other one increased his efforts and finally jumped out.
the group was surprised by the efforts of frog and even more surprised when they realised that the frog is deaf.
as the frog was deaf , he thought that the group is encouraging him and this motivated him to come out.
always remember if we want to live as we like listen only positive and have never say die attitude.

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