Friday, September 25, 2009

withOut yOu.......**

for a friend whOm ill alwyz miss in mah lyf..!

yOu left me all alone here...
withOut knOwing dat i need yOu ...

yOu went away leaving me all alOne...
but i can never fOrget the lOve nd care i gOt frOm yOu..
there is no one with whOm i can share ma feelinGs nOw...
i just want tO tell i miss yOu alOt...
my heart is filled wid ur memOries..
i stiil remember d mOments i had with yOu...
how yOu smiled nd made me glad..
i always want tu see u happyy...
i knOw that i em nt alone ...

"bcz i can feel ur presenz..."

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