Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Love is like a water
And life needs a flow

Love has many forms
Love has many names
Relations of the blood,

Hearts & friends

But when it comes to a boy & Girl,
Love and friendship are two different worlds..
Friendship can never be the enemy of love,
But love can be an enemy of friendship..

Love is intense..
Friendship is patience..
Love is “holding on”
Friendship is “letting go”

Love is bound by dreams & expectations..
Friendship is freedom,caring without expectations.

Love gives a meaning to life
Love makes two souls unite
Friendship requires efforts..
It doesn’t happen at first sight

Friendship is so very the essence of life
And love,the relation that gives a purpose to life
Boys & Girls,
Friends & Lovers
lets put it out here
Here begins..

Friendship Vs Love

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