Friday, September 25, 2009

●๋•→ Silent Love ←●๋•

I |ove you tOday and
I will love you tomorrow

Just some words
To clear the sorrow

That will never
Leave my heart or yOurs

From this day forward
yOu are so special to me

I |ove you
With all my heart

Always have
And always will

From family and friends
That never end

yOu will always be with me.....
As I will always be with you......
Until we cross the gates of heaven......
There we will always be

Together until the end.... :)

●๋• ค 3 |etter wOrd.●๋•

A four letter word
Combined with I and You
Just to tell someOne
That powerful word
To someOne else
And to them, it could only mean so much
Like a child and a mother.

|Ove combined with I and You
Is not just to tell someone
But would also describe something else
An emotion that would fall between happy and calm
But you would never know which
Until you take the time.

|ove brings joy to everyone that thinks about it
But would then, just then
Would the not have any worries
Because they thought about love
That three word emotion
As to what I refer to it as
That emotion you share and say,
I love you ... :)

I Tried to Tell You...<3

I tried to tell you I love you
but the words were hard to find.

I'm always thinking about you
you're the only one on my mind.

Oh why do I act so shy forever hiding my face
I should learn to laugh and not to cry put yourself in my place.

There were times I tried to kiss you but something told me no.
You wanted me to hold you but I

kept letting you go.
I'm afraid that I am not the guy

you've searched for all these years.
I will kindly leave now don't you cry

try to hold back your tears.
It's been so long I haven't seen you

for quite awhile
When I think of how we me met it only

brings back your smile.
I remember when I held you then and

told you we'd never part
I loved you then I love you now and

I'll hold you in my heart....!!! <3..>

I just ca|led u tO say ...........

I just called u to say I LOVE YOU.!

I just called u o say I LOVE YOU...!!

No new years to celebrate No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away..
No first ov song to sing
In fact here’s just another ordinary day
NO april flowers bloom no wedding Saturday in month of june…
But wht is it it something true mode of dis three words that I must say to u….
I just called u to say

I just called u to say
how much
I care for u..!!
I mean it from the bOttom of my heart..!
NO summers high, no warm july!
No harvest moon to light. One tender August nite.!!
No autumn breeze, no falling leaves,

Not even time frm binds to fly to southern skies!
But wht it is through old so new!!
To fill your heart like no other word could even do……


Why Didn't You Stop Me?

Why didn't you stop me?
I didn't realize what I had.
You were always there for me,
And now I'm so sad.
I never thought I loved you
'Till i went far frOm u.
I tried to get you back,
But yOu rejected me pleading.
You've been avoinding me ..
Why won't you just talk to me?
You wanted to know how much I loved you,
And now you can see.
I really do miss you.!!
I'd wish you'd come back.
Let;s try to talk things out
Without any slack.
I didn't know what I had,
Until I lost you.
I need you back with me.
And, now you know I'm true..!!

lOok what i am withOut u..!!

You left me with nothing but tears,
I cried, begged, hurted but you gave me deaf ears,
I can remember the past sweet mOnths,
In which you protected me from my fears,

You Once said you loved me alot,
And I fell the same..
But now I can't believe that you r nt d One i ws with..!
The trust in which I found great dote,

Do you think love is a game tO play..?
In which you try not to spoil your name..?
Can anything be the same?
When you don’t but I feel shame,

I am so for lorn,
Because my heart has been torn,
By a betrayer who has gone,
Who is refusing to hear my miserable tone,

Don't think love isn't true,
It is not just something we do,
It may not mean much to you,
But because of you today I am feeling blue...!!
and shattered too..!!
I Wanted To Spend My Entire Life With You And Slowly You Became My Life.., Thats The Extent To Which I Love You....!!!

why me...?

why evry tym i miss yu ...
why evry tym i thnk abt you . whn i know dat yu are nt mine any more .... i hurt evryone realted to mah life just bcoz i cant stop thninking about you ... why u came to mah life ... :(( d second i start thnking about mah life becomes a burden for me.. donn know why dis iz happining to me....

Even though we are no longer tOgether and I can't call yOu my lover, I still lOve you !!

why do I LOve yOu... ? :(

Sometimes at night, when I look to the sky,
I start thinking of you and then ask myself, why?
Why dO i think about yOu everytime?
Why do I love you?I think and smile,
because I know the list could run on for miles and miles
The whisper of your voice, the warmth of your touch,
so many little things that make me love you so much...

The way you support me, and help with my emotions,

the way that you care and show such devotion.

The way your eyes shine when you look at me,

lost with you forever is were I want to be.

The way that I feel when you're by my side,
a sense of completion and overflowing pride.
The dreams that I dream, that all involve you,
the possibilities I see and the things we can do.

How you finish the puzzle that lies inside my heart,
how that deep in my soul,
you are the most important part.

I could go on for days, telling of what I feel for yOu,
but all you really must know is my love for you is real dn everlastinG..
i just can't stOp with my feeling for yOu..

withOut yOu.......**

for a friend whOm ill alwyz miss in mah lyf..!

yOu left me all alone here...
withOut knOwing dat i need yOu ...

yOu went away leaving me all alOne...
but i can never fOrget the lOve nd care i gOt frOm yOu..
there is no one with whOm i can share ma feelinGs nOw...
i just want tO tell i miss yOu alOt...
my heart is filled wid ur memOries..
i stiil remember d mOments i had with yOu...
how yOu smiled nd made me glad..
i always want tu see u happyy...
i knOw that i em nt alone ...

"bcz i can feel ur presenz..."